UK Corona TRAUMA Surge (UKCoTS)– Part of the COVID Research group, Royal college of surgeons (England)
Primary aim: To assess the safety of all the trauma surgery performed during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK.
This project is a UK multi-centre study to record the morbidity and mortality associated with Covid-19 in patients who have had trauma (bony or soft tissue procedure) surgery during the peak of the pandemic (April 2020). We will analyze trauma cases done in April 2019 as the control group. Collaborators in each centre will need to collect data using a coded excel sheet, that will be provided in the pack. Taking care to remove all patient identification data will be added to the excel sheet for the period between 1st April to 30th April 2020 both days inclusive. All the surgical procedures are undertaken in trauma procedures performed, under any form of anaesthesia. Information will include primary demographic data, the procedure performed, COVID-19 test status and any complication associated. We have 50 interested hospitals in England, Wales and Scotland. If interested to participate, please email the PI, Mr Mohamed Imam ( and copy Mr Anshul Sobti (
Steps to be followed by the collaborators.
- Register expressing interest in this project.
- Identify a team from each center.
- Fill and submit the collaborators form
- Await confirmation of enrolment
- Collaborators will receive a welcome pack with toolkit.
- Collection of data and entering on center specific excel sheet that will be coded.
- Return the excel sheet by last date.
- Data sheet need to be emailed using secured NHS email.
Data collection:
The urgency of surgery will be defined as per NCEPOD guidelines.
The indication for surgery can be trauma, infection, cancer, neurovascular compromise, elective surgery. These will be coded for e.g., 1, 2, 3 etc. While entering data in the excel sheet it is expected to enter data as per the coding key.
Surgical procedure: there will be free text to enter the details of the procedure.
In addition to above, we also aim to collect data on the length of stay, any readmission or re-surgery performed for the involved patients in addition to the Covid-19 testing status of the patient.
The data regarding complications is to record any complication to surgery within the first 30 days after surgery. The complications have been coded as well if there are any more; kindly enter in the free text.
Finally mortality experienced needs to be entered as well. If this exceeds 30 days after COVID-19 infection, please mention probable cause of death.
Short Protocol
UK Corona TRAUMA Surge (UKCoTS)- Part of the COVID Reseach group, Royal college of surgeons (England)
Primary aim: to assess the safety of all the trauma surgery performed during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK compared to similar period in 2019.
This project is a UK multi-centre study to record the morbidity and mortality associated with Covid-19 in patients who have had trauma (bony or soft tissue procedure) surgery during the peak of the pandemic (April 2020). We will analyze cases performed on a trauma list in April 2019 as the control group. Collaborators in each centre will need to collect data using a coded excel sheet, which will be provided in the pack. Taking care to remove all patient identification data will be added to the excel sheet for the period between 1st April to 30th April 2020 both days inclusive for 2020 and 2019. All the surgical procedures are undertaken in trauma and other elective/semi elective procedures performed, under any form of anaesthesia. The surgical indication will include Infection, Trauma, Cancer, Invasive soft tissue procedure (e.g. arthroscopy for a locked meniscus), Non-invasive soft tissue procedure (e.g. closed reduction of dislocation), Spinal procedures and any others. Information will include primary demographic data, the procedure performed, COVID-19 test status, date of injury, time to presentation to orthopaedics, time to surgery, date of discharge and any complication associated with 30 days and 60 days. The excel sheet will be coded with drop-down codes for an appropriate reply. We currently have 50 interested hospitals in England, Wales and Scotland. If interested to participate, please email the PI, Mr Mohamed Imam ( and copy Mr Anshul Sobti ( )
Data collection:
The urgency of surgery will be defined as per NCEPOD guidelines.
The surgical indication will include Infection, Trauma, Cancer, Invasive soft tissue procedure (e.g. arthroscopy for a locked meniscus), Non-invasive soft tissue procedure (e.g. closed reduction of dislocation), Spinal procedures and any others.. While entering data in the excel sheet it is expected to enter data as per the coding key.
Surgical procedure: there will be free text to enter the details of the procedure.
In addition to above, we also aim to collect data on the length of stay, any readmission or re-surgery performed for the involved patients in addition to the Covid-19 testing status of the patient. You’re expected to enter the date of birth, date of injury, date of presentation and date and time of surgery, rest will be calculated by us. The data regarding complications is to record any complication to surgery within the first 30 days after surgery. The complications have been coded as well if there are any more; kindly enter in the free text.
Finally mortality experienced needs to be entered as well. If this exceeds 30 days after COVID-19 infection, please mention probable cause of death. We have included mortality up to 60 days from surgery. Contact us for any other information.
Thanking you
UK CoTS Research group